What Candidates Are Really Looking For During The Great Reset
Today, we find ourselves in a completely transformed hiring climate where its become a candidate’s market. As a recruiter, I speak with hundreds of candidates a week. Here are a few things candidates are saying and thinking even before they consider applying for a role. Hybrid and Remote Work is The New Normal - But [READ MORE]
4 Leadership Traits Needed To Lead A Portfolio Company
When it comes to finding and selecting the right sort of talent to lead portfolio companies, often private equity firms and in-house hiring teams will focus heavily on past experience and over-index on career trajectory. While this is an important part of a candidate’s background, there are many other skill sets and attributes that [READ MORE]
3 Ways To Improve Candidate Experiences
In the midst of the Great Resignation, competition for talent is fierce. 2022 remains a candidate driven market, which means that companies need to examine both their Employee Value Proposition (EVP) but also carefully consider their recruitment process and leverage this as a competitive advantage when hiring “best athlete” talent. Here are three ways [READ MORE]
Leading From The Top When It Comes To DEI
In many cases, CEOs and senior leaders have little experience with Diversity and Inclusion. Senior leaders recognize the importance and value DEI can bring to a company’s culture and bottom line, but this is just a starting point. Below are a few ways that CEOs and senior leadership teams can begin taking steps towards creating [READ MORE]
3 Strategies For Private Equity Firms To Simplify Their Hiring Processes
When hiring for a portfolio company, teams and leaders need to be hired and on boarded at a rapid pace to quickly deliver ROI to investors and reduce the Time To Value (TTV). Often private equity firms will task their in-house talent acquisition teams and recruiters to find and appoint the best candidates, with the [READ MORE]
How Private Equity Firms Can Compete For Talent During The Great Reshuffle
In the midst of the Great Resignation and the Great Reshuffle, Private Equity firms and their portfolio companies need to be more strategic and competitive for talent. Over the last few months, we have noticed a dramatic shift in the executive search and recruitment industry. Candidates are increasingly mobile and disengaged, and companies requiring [READ MORE]